Products WC cubicles Design 13 WC cubicles 13 GL WC cubicle
with glass doors

Our Design 13 GL WC cubicles are the perfect toilet cubicles for any area that faces extreme demands.
Sideparts made of 13 mm HPL-Panels, which are highly scratch-resistant, low-wear and abrasion-resistant due to their special surface finish. The doors are made of Eurowhite-Glas with screen printing on one side. They consist of a laminated glass with two 5 mm ESG panels.
This system is absolutely waterproof.
Технически спецификации
Материал на лицевия
Sideparts made of 13 mm HPL-Panels, which are highly scratch-resistant. All visible edges milled and bevelled. The doors are made of Eurowhite-Glas with screen printing on one side. They consist of a laminated glass with two 5 mm ESG panels. Possible width: 550/580/600/750 and 900 mm. They are butt-closing and self-closing. Anti-pinch profile on the hinge side. Door stop made of an aluminium round profile, ø 45 mm. Rubber seal on lock side for silent closing. An aluminium cover rail, 45 x 86 mm, which runs over the entire front, guarantees high stability. Wall connections with rounded aluminium-U-profiles 22 x 30 mm.
Same material as front walls. All visible edges milled and bevelled. Wall and front connections with rounded aluminium-U-profiles 22 x 30 mm.
Материал на панела
Sideparts made of 13 mm HPL-Panels, which are highly scratch-resistant, low-wear and abrasionresistant due to their special surface finish.
• Made of 13 mm HPL-Panels
• Suitable for highest demands in wet areas
• Made of Eurowhite-Glas with screen printing on one side
• Laminated glass with two 5 mm ESG panels
• Suitable for highest demands in wet areas
Цветова гама
Panels standard colours
Panels special colours with surcharge. Delivery time 3-5 weeks.
Due to the current difficulties in the supply of materials in the construction industry, delivery times of more than 10 weeks can occur with special colors of the 30 RW variant. We apologize for this situation, which is beyond our control.
Profiles and accessories standard colours
Glass doors
Glas and HPL-panels should not be chosen in the same colour because it will lead to differences between both colours.
Ние държим на стабилността, издръжливостта и устойчиви срещу вандализъм . Пантите от неръждаема стомана се монтират стандартно във всеки модел. Висококачествени алуминиеви профили и найлонови аксесоари също се предлагат в различни цветове без допълнително заплащане. Можете също да избирате между 12 стандартни цвята на панела. Всички видими ръбове са лепени с технологията лазерен Laser Tec. Този процес е уникален в индустрията на шкафовете и подчертава още веднъж качеството на нашите продукти.
Акценти: Панти от неръждаема стомана с месингов щифт се предлагат в 12 стандартни и 18 специални цвята, както при панела, 7 цвята за найлонови фитинги · 8 цвята за алуминиеви профили и панти от неръждаема стомана · Кратки срокове за доставка · Одобрено от TÜV