Products WC cubicles Design 30 WC cubicles 30 FT WC cubicle
Flush-mounted with recessed aluminium door stop profiles

Our Design 30 FT is the perfect toilet cubicle system for all dry areas requiring an elegant design. The flush arrangement not only looks great but also makes it easy to clean the panels.
The system is made of a high-strength solid chipboard - naturally formaldehyde-free - with a scratch- and abrasion-resistant melamine resin coating. The edges of the panels are protected with a lip. The edges are not glued but welded using the laserTec process. This makes them more durable than conventional edges and gives the impression of being cast from a single mould.
Технически спецификации
Материал на лицевия
Panel made of 30 mm melamine coated solid chipboard. All visible edges are seamlessly coated with laser edging. An all-round aluminium cover profile, 43 x 20 mm, which runs across the entire frontside, ensures the system is extremely stable. In the area of the wall connections, this is provided with aluminium cover caps to achieve a clean finish. Wall connections with aluminium U-profiles 33 x 30 mm. These are used to compensate for structural unevenness. Wall connections with shadow gap are possible at an extra cost. Cut-outs only with U-profile.
Made of the same material as the frontside and impact-resistant. All visible edges are seamlessly coated with laser edging. All corners and edges are rounded to a radius of 3 mm. Milled door hinge profile made of aluminium 21 x 17.5 mm. An inlaid rubber seal ensures that the door closes quietly. Plastic beading is applied on the hinge side to cover the door gap.
Материал на панела
Wet and dry areas in one design! Do you need equipment for dry and wet areas and want to fit out the rooms in the same styles? Our NR wet area system is totally waterproof and is visually identical to the RW dry area system. The perfect concept for a uniform appearance.
• Made of 30 mm melamine-coated solid chipboard
• Visible edges with laser edging
• Suitable for normal use in dry areas
Цветова гама
Panels standard colours
Panels special colours with surcharge. Delivery time 3-5 weeks.
Due to the current difficulties in the supply of materials in the construction industry, delivery times of more than 10 weeks can occur with special colors of the 30 RW variant. We apologize for this situation, which is beyond our control.
Panels special colours mirror gloss for 30 RW, 30 FT and 40 FB with surcharge
Profiles and accessories standard colours
Ние държим на стабилността, издръжливостта и устойчиви срещу вандализъм . Пантите от неръждаема стомана се монтират стандартно във всеки модел. Висококачествени алуминиеви профили и найлонови аксесоари също се предлагат в различни цветове без допълнително заплащане. Можете също да избирате между 12 стандартни цвята на панела. Всички видими ръбове са лепени с технологията лазерен Laser Tec. Този процес е уникален в индустрията на шкафовете и подчертава още веднъж качеството на нашите продукти.
Акценти: Панти от неръждаема стомана с месингов щифт се предлагат в 12 стандартни и 18 специални цвята, както при панела, 7 цвята за найлонови фитинги · 8 цвята за алуминиеви профили и панти от неръждаема стомана · Кратки срокове за доставка · Одобрено от TÜV